


Business Coaching

Used as an all inclusive term for all coaching that includes both business and personal objectives, and both individuals and teams.

Enneagram Assessment and Feedback

Online assessment (IEQ) and feedback by accredited practioner for both individuals and teams.

Executive Coaching

One-on-one executive leadership coaching. Normally 11 x 2 hour sessions roughly once a month. May include 360 feedback and psychometrics if desired. Face-to-face or virtual (remote) coaching offered.


Facilitate learning in leadership, strategy, supply chain and operations. Emphasis is on evidence based best practice flavoured with pragmatic and experiential learning

Group Coaching

Coaching of teams as a group, creating the environment for improved interactions and thinking.

Leadership Team Assessments

Assessment of team capabilities to facilitate effective group interventions

Systemic Team Coaching


Coaching of teams using 5 Discpline approach to leverage Why, What, How, Who and continuous learning for the team.